

LiXizhi 灵魂设计师和首席程序员。他制定产品和技术​​的方向,希望创作出对社会有价值的软件。大部分时间他在思考核心设计和软件架构。他编写了ParaEngine引擎和大多数ParaCraft的客户端/服务器代码。他也是公司的创办人, 9岁开始编程, 从小就对仿真和人工智能非常感兴趣。 Jingqi 体验师,老师,地图设计师。她负责组织录制视频​​教程,编写wiki文档, 并负责设计和创建有趣的地图。她刚刚加盟公司,她的工作是为用户展示当前版本的功能,并带来用户的反馈。她将拥有一支优秀的来自全国各地的建筑师队伍,和我们的员工一同创作。她与Xizhi密切的合作,形成软件最初的想法。 Leio 经验丰富的程序员。2007年加盟ParaEngine。他热爱新技术,遍写了大量工具与软件模块。
WenWen 办公室里唯一的Dev Girl。她是目前魔法哈奇1的首席设计师, 2D美术师。同时她也与Jingqi一起设计和创造新的世界地图。她热爱生活,是一个安静和漂亮的女孩。 LiYu 首席设计师, IT专家。2005年他就来到了ParaEngine。他是魔法哈奇2的首席设计师。 LiJunjie 年轻有为的地图设计师, 3D美术师
YuPing 我们的财政总监,照顾着整个公司 以下人员在为我们远程工作,并都曾在ParaEngine全职工作过5-8年 期待你的加盟
WuPeng 美术总监。负责所有美术的制作和监督。魔法哈奇的名字就是由他在2009年起的。 Spring 程序员,Linux专家。他为ParaEngine工作了7年。 CaoSir 服务器和SQL数据库专家。2007年加盟ParaEngine 。他是一个独立的自由主义者。
Clayman 曾在ParaEngine工作多年的自由软件开发者, 高级3D图形工程师 JianXing 我们真正的产品设计师和经验丰富的2D/3D美术师。他也是Photoshop和3DSMAX的专家。大多数用户界面, 3D模型也是出自他之手。 WangRui 他曾长期担任哈奇的首席设计师。
LiPeng 勤奋的程序员。参与着Paracraft开发, 同时负责魔法哈奇(我们的MMORPG游戏项目)的维护开发。 Andy ParaEngine的联合创始人和程序员。他和Xizhi从同一所大学毕业,并创办了ParaEngine公司。过去,他和Xizhi轮流担当CEO和President的职务。 LuYang Xizhi的计算机启蒙老师, 教了Xizhi 10年的编程。很多很多年前在美国加州工作并定居。

Xizhi: soul designer and lead programmer. He makes the direction and knows something valuable to the society is in that direction. He spent most of his time thinking about the core design and architecture of the software. He wrote the ParaEngine software and most client/server code in ParaCraft. He is also founder of the company and is very interested in creative and AI based tool.

Jingqi: evaluator, global teacher, and lead of world designer. She makes all the video tutorials for the users, and is responsible to design and create worlds that is playable and improvisational to the end user. The goal of her job is to tell and demonstrate what is currently possible with our tools, and brings feedbacks to us. She has an excellent team of creators from all over the world and in our company. She works very closely with Xizhi to form the original idea of the software.

AShui: the pusher and optimizer. He is a versatile guy that push everyone in the team to turn out the best piece of their work. He has ideas, knows everyone and loves to talk and push people to their limit. At busy time, he also does many things himself, from product design to UI arkwork, from design review to wiki manager. He is everywhere.

Jianxing: The actual designer and experienced 2d/3d artist. Every draft design or idea will finally go to him and Xizhi and turns into well designed and reviewed interface. Also expert of photoshop and 3dsmax, most user interface, 2d, 3d models from the software is also from his hand.

LiPeng: The diligent programmer. He is helping Xizhi to do the programming work and is also contributing ideas to the design of the product. He is also the only guy left who is responsible to program for MagicHaqi (our MMORPG game)

Leio: Experienced programmer. He loves new technology and has been working with Xizhi since 2007. He is currently responsible for our mobile project and will join the core ParaCraft dev soon this year.

WuPeng: Lead artist. He is responsible for all art work review in our projects. He also designs for magic haqi 1& 2 and the product name Haqi is given by him in 2009.

Andy: Co-founder of ParaEngine and programmer. He has been programming with Xizhi since 2005, where they graduated from the same University. He and Xizhi takes turns to be CEO and president of the company.

Spring: programmer, IT and linux guru. He has been working in ParaEngine for 7 years, but recently left the company for a personal career, yet still working remotely with the team.

CAO: the server and SQL db guy. He has been in ParaEngine since 2007. He is an independent freelancer.

Wenwen: The only dev girl in the office. She is our current lead designer of Magic Haqi. She also works in the world designer team with Jingqi. She loves new creative things and is a quiet and nice girl.

LiYu: Lead designer. He has been working with Xizhi since the very beginning. He is lead designer of magic haqi2; and will join ParaCraft project as creative designer.

Zhibo: Game designer and animator. He is the tall and muscular guy. Most animations in ParaEngine's past and recent project is created by him. He is a quiet and clever guy and will join ParaCraft project as creative designer and animator.


Topic revision: r3 - 2015-08-29 - LiXizhi
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