ParaEngine::CEventHandler | Event handler |
ParaEngine::CEventHandler::EditorEvent | World editor events, such as scene selection, etc |
ParaEngine::CEventHandler::Event | General event |
ParaEngine::CEventHandler::KeyEvent | Simple key events struct |
ParaEngine::CEventHandler::MouseEvent | Simple mouse event struct |
ParaEngine::CEventHandler::SystemEvent | System events struct |
ParaEngine::CEventsCenter | Global pool for user registered custom events |
NPL::ChannelProperty | Default channel property |
NPL::CNPLRuntime | CNPLRuntime is a wrapper of the NPL application programming interface (NPL API) |
ParaScripting::CNPLRuntimeState | For binding c++ classes to lua |
NPL::CNPLSensor | Class: CNPLSensor Description: Derived from SensorEntity class |
NPL::GliaFile | GliaFiles in NPL are always executed in the receiver environment and share the same global environment in which they are executed |
ParaEngine::INPLJabberClient | NPL interface of a Jabber-XMPP client proxy |
ParaEngine::INPLWebService | NPL interface of a XML Web service client proxy |
ParaEngine::INPLWebServiceClient | Interface of NPL web service client |
ParaScripting::JabberClientManager | Jabber client manager or factory |
NPL::NeuronFile | Neuron file is the primary file in NPL |
ParaScripting::NPL | Neural Parallel Language functions are in this namespace |
NPL::NPLAddress | Address of NPL runtime environment |
NPL::NPLFileCanonical | Canonical NPL file name use NPLFileName instead of this simple version |
NPL::NPLFileName | Full name of a NPL file name |
ParaScripting::NPLJabberClient | NPL Jabber Client class |
ParaScripting::NPLPackage | The current NPL package |
NPL::NPLPendingPacket | Struct: NPLPendingPacket packets that are waiting to be sent either because of an unconnected destination or an unknown namespace |
NPL::NPLTimer | Timer struct |
ParaScripting::Para3DCanvas | Para3DCanvas class: |
ParaScripting::ParaAsset | ParaAsset namespace contains a list of HAPI functions to manage resources(asset) used in game world composing, such as 3d models, textures, animations, sound, etc |
ParaScripting::ParaAssetObject | It represents an asset entity |
ParaScripting::ParaAttributeObject | It represents an attribute object associated with an object |
ParaScripting::ParaAudio | Audio Engine functions |
ParaScripting::ParaBootStrapper | ParaGlobal namespace contains a list of HAPI functions to access the boot strapper functionality |
ParaScripting::ParaBrowserManager | Managing HTML browsers |
ParaScripting::ParaCamera | The camera controller |
ParaScripting::ParaCharacter | ParaObject class: it is used to control game scene objects from scripts |
ParaScripting::ParaDataProvider | Wrapper of internal ParaWorld data provider |
ParaScripting::ParaEngine | Global game engine related functions, such as ParaEngineCore interface, copy right information, simple water marking |
ParaEngine::ParaEngineSettings | Global settings for ParaEngine |
ParaScripting::ParaFaceTrackingCtrler | ParaFaceTrackingCtrler object: it will allow the biped to always face to a given target or another biped |
ParaScripting::ParaFileObject | File object |
ParaScripting::ParaFlashPlayer | Flash player |
ParaScripting::ParaGlobal | ParaGlobal namespace contains a list of HAPI functions to globally control the engine |
ParaScripting::ParaHTMLBrowser | HTML browser control and texture |
ParaScripting::ParaIO | ParaIO class: IO functions ported to the scripting system |
ParaScripting::ParaKidsDataProvider | Wrapper of internal ParaWorld data provider |
ParaScripting::ParaMiniSceneGraph | ParaMiniSceneGraph class: |
ParaScripting::ParaMisc | Contains miscellaneous functions |
ParaScripting::ParaMovie | Movie making and screen capture functions |
ParaScripting::ParaMovieCtrler | ParaMovieCtrler object: it is used to control time based movie of character object |
ParaScripting::ParaNetwork | API wrapper for NPL Network Layer functions |
ParaScripting::ParaObject | ParaObject class: it is used to control game scene objects from scripts |
ParaScripting::ParaObjectNode | For Para Script global dictionary object |
ParaScripting::ParaPacket | NPL Network packet |
ParaScripting::ParaParamBlock | List of CParameter{name, value} pairs of anything |
ParaScripting::ParaScene | ParaScene namespace contains a list of HAPI functions to create and modify scene objects in paraworld |
ParaScripting::ParaSearchResult | It represents a search result |
ParaScripting::ParaSelection | A pool of currently selected objects |
ParaScripting::ParaSeqCtrler | ParaSeqCtrler object: A sequence controller is a biped controller which moves the biped according to some predefined sequence |
ParaScripting::ParaTerrain | Contains Terrain functions |
ParaScripting::ParaToolTip | GUI tooltip object |
ParaScripting::ParaUI | ParaUI namespace contains a list of HAPI functions to create user interface controls, such as windows, buttons, as well as event triggers |
ParaScripting::ParaUIFont | GUI font object |
ParaScripting::ParaUIGraphics | GUI graphics object which contains 2D primitives |
ParaScripting::ParaUIObject | It represents a GUI object |
ParaScripting::ParaUIPen | GUI pen object |
ParaScripting::ParaUITexture | GUI texture object |
ParaScripting::ParaWorld | World creation functions |
ParaScripting::ParaXML | ParaXML class |
ParaScripting::ParaZipWriter | ParaZipWriter class: creating zip files |
SensorEntity | Structure: SensorEntity |
SensorKey | Structure: SensorKey Description: the unique key object for Sensor entity |
NPL::UIReceivers | List of NPL runtime address |