
00001 -- game interface: main game script loop
00002 -- author: Li,Xizhi 
00003 -- date: 2005-4-9
00004 -- description: this script (gameinterface.lua) is activated every 0.5 sec by AI simulator.
00005 --              it uses a finite state machine.State nil is the inital game state. state 0 is idle.
00008 --main_state=nil; -- this is for us programmers
00009 --main_state="kids"; -- this is for kids UI
00010 NPL.load("(gl)script/mainstate.lua"); -- this file can change the main loop or set the main_state value
00011 NPL.load("(gl)script/lang/lang.lua"); -- localization init
00013 --ParaScene.SetGlobalWater(true, 86);
00014 --ParaUI.SetCursorFromFile(":IDR_DEFAULT_CURSOR");
00016 local function activate()
00017         if(main_state==0) then
00018                 -- this is the main game loop
00019         elseif(main_state==nil) then
00020                 -- global assets and init scene loading
00021                 ParaAsset.OpenArchive ("xmodels/"); -- open mpg archive
00022                 ParaAsset.OpenArchive ("xmodels/");
00023                 -- ParaAsset.LoadSound ("click", "sound/PopupInfo.wav", true);
00025                 -- the global terrain is now created in each scene load file.
00026                 -- please see the CreateWorld function in loadscene2.lua
00028                 -- reset global terrain,sky, fog
00029                 ParaScene.CreateSkyBox ("MySkyBox", ParaAsset.LoadStaticMesh ("", "model/Skybox/skybox3/skybox3.x"), 160,160,160, 0);
00030                 ParaScene.SetFog(true, "0.7 0.7 1.0", 40.0, 120.0, 0.7);
00031                 --ParaScene.SetFog(true, "1.0 1.0 1.0", 10.0, 50.0, 1.0);
00033                 -- activate the game start up menu.
00034                 NPL.load("script/commonDialog.lua", false);
00035                 NPL.activate("(gl)script/pol_intro.lua", "INTRO_state=\"show\";");
00036                 main_state=0;
00038                 --      Change Mouse Texture, now updated
00039                 --ParaAsset.LoadTexture("__cursor","cursor.png",1);
00040                 --ParaUI.SetCursorTexture("__cursor","255 255 255", 255);
00041                 --ParaUI.SetCursorFromFile("cursor.tga");
00043         elseif(main_state=="demo_release") then
00044                 -- for demo release. it uses a different game loop script.
00045                 NPL.activate("(gl)script/demo4zju/main.lua", "");
00046                 main_state=0;
00047         elseif(main_state=="kids") then
00048                 -- for kids UI
00049                 NPL.activate("(gl)script/kids/main.lua", "");
00050                 main_state=0;
00052         elseif(main_state=="3DMapSystem") then
00053                 -- for 3D map system
00054                 NPL.activate("(gl)script/kids/3DMapSystem_main.lua", "");
00056         elseif(main_state=="testproject") then
00057                 -- for kids UI
00058                 NPL.activate("(gl)script/test_project.lua", "");
00059                 main_state=0;   
00060         elseif(main_state=="andy_test") then
00061                 -- for kids UI
00062                 NPL.activate("(gl)script/andy_test.lua", "");
00063                 main_state=0;   
00064         elseif(main_state=="lwltest") then
00065                 -- for test UI
00066                 NPL.activate("(gl)script/lwltest.lua", "");
00068                 main_state=0;
00069         end     
00070 end
00071 NPL.this(activate);
00073 -- ParaWorld will call this function, when the user press "`" key
00074 function ShowConsole()
00075         -- create the command line console window
00076         ParaUI.Destroy ("ConsoleWnd");
00078 end
00080 -- command list:
00081 -- "camera": bring player to current camera location
00082 -- "debug": show object bounding box, report and turn off shadow.
00083 -- "demo": hide bounding box, report and turn on shadow.
00084 -- "play": hide bounding box, report and turn off shadow.
00085 function ProcessKeyStrokes()
00086         if(sensor_name == "ConsoleWnd") then
00087                 if(lineinput == nil) then
00088                         lineinput = "";
00089                 end
00091                 if (keystring == "`") then
00092                         -- close the console window
00093                         ParaUI.Destroy ("ConsoleWnd");
00094                 else
00095                         if (keystring == "\r") then
00096                                 -- process the command, and clear the line
00097                                 if (lineinput == "camera") then
00098                                         local player = ParaScene.GetObject("<player>");
00099                                         local x,y,z;
00100                                         x,y,z = ParaCamera.GetPosition();
00101                                         -- create a static physics mesh
00102                                         player:SetPosition(x, y, z);
00103                                 elseif (lineinput == "debug") then
00104                                         ParaScene.Execute("show OBB");
00105                                         ParaScene.Execute("show report");
00106                                         ParaScene.SetShadow(0);
00107                                 elseif (lineinput == "demo") then
00108                                         ParaScene.Execute("hide OBB");
00109                                         ParaScene.Execute("hide report");
00110                                         ParaScene.SetShadow(1);
00111                                 elseif (lineinput == "play") then
00112                                         ParaScene.Execute("hide OBB");
00113                                         ParaScene.Execute("hide report");
00114                                         ParaScene.SetShadow(0);
00115                                 end
00116                                 lineinput = "";
00117                         elseif(keystring == "\b") then
00118                                 -- delete the previous character
00119                                 local len = string.len(lineinput);
00120                                 if(len>0) then
00121                                         lineinput = string.sub(lineinput, 1, len-1);
00122                                 end
00123                         elseif(keystring ~= nil) then
00124                                 -- append the letters to the line input
00125                                 lineinput = string.format("%s%s", lineinput, keystring);
00126                         end
00127                         -- display the line input
00128                         local ConsoleWnd = ParaUI.GetUIObject("ConsoleWnd");
00129                         if(ConsoleWnd:IsValid() == true ) then 
00130                                 ConsoleWnd:SetText(lineinput, "255 255 255", "");
00131                         end 
00132                 end
00133                 sensor_name = nil;              
00134         end
00135 end

Generated on Mon Dec 1 14:34:40 2008 for NPL Scripting Reference for ParaEngine by  doxygen 1.5.2