binding npl data table (members) to other IDE controls or ParaUIObject. it is a two way binding.
Title |
binding npl data table (members) to other IDE controls or ParaUIObject. it is a two way binding. |
Author(s) |
LiXizhi |
Date |
2008/2/1 |
File |
script/ide/DataBinding.lua |
Data binding provides a way for developers to create a read/write link between the controls and the data in their application (their data model).
Sample Code
local bindingContext = commonlib.BindingContext:new();
@param dataSource: it can be a table (1) or a binding function (2):
bindingContext:AddBinding(dataSource, dataMember, ControlName,ControlType, ControlPropertyName, DataSourceUpdateMode, NullValue);
commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes = {
ParaUI_editbox = 1, -- bindable fields:"text"
ParaUI_text = 2,-- bindable fields:"text"
ParaUI_button = 3,-- bindable fields:"text"
ParaUI_container = 4,-- bindable fields:"text"
ParaUI_listbox = 5,-- bindable fields:"text"
IDE_checkbox = 6,-- bindable fields:"text", "value"
IDE_radiobox = 7,-- bindable fields:"text", "value", "SelectedIndex"
IDE_dropdownlistbox = 8,-- bindable fields:"text", "value", TODO: "SelectedIndex"
IDE_treeview = 9,-- bindable fields: "text", TODO: "value", "SelectedIndex"
IDE_sliderbar = 10,-- bindable fields: "value"
IDE_canvas3d = 11,-- bindable fields: "model", "image" are readonly
IDE_coloreditor = 12,-- bindable fields: "text" as rgb "255 255 255"
IDE_editbox = 13,-- bindable fields: "text" multiline editbox
IDE_numeric = 14,-- bindable fields: "value" numeric updown control
MCML_node = 20,-- bindable fields: SetUIValue and GetUIValue
-- e.g.
local bindingContext = commonlib.BindingContext:new();
bindingContext:AddBinding(package, "text", "AssetManager.NewAsset#editboxPackageName", commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.ParaUI_editbox, "text")
bindingContext:AddBinding(package, "Category", "AssetManager.comboBoxCategory", commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.IDE_dropdownlistbox, "text", commonlib.Binding.DataSourceUpdateMode.ReadOnly)
bindingContext:AddBinding(package, "bDisplayInMainBar", "AssetManager.checkBoxShowInMainbar", commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.IDE_checkbox, "value", commonlib.Binding.DataSourceUpdateMode.Manual, true)
bindingContext:AddBinding(treeNode.asset, "filename", "AssetManager.treeViewAssetAttributes", commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.IDE_treeview, "RootNode#filename<Text>")
bindingContext:AddBinding(package, "RadioIndex", "radioButton1", commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.IDE_radiobox, "SelectedIndex")
bindingContext:AddBinding(package, "Volume", "settings.trackBarVolume", commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.IDE_sliderbar, "value")
bindingContext:AddBinding(function (dataMember, bIsWriting, value)
-- one needs to ensure that the ParaObject is a valid object.
-- usually we bind normal 3d object by getting it dynamically from the scene using ObjEditor.GetObjectByParams(param)
local att = ParaScene.GetAttributeObject();
if(not bIsWriting) then
-- reading from data source
return att:GetField(dataMember, value or "");
-- writing to data source
att:SetField(dataMember, value);
"ClassName", "textBox1", commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.ParaUI_editbox, "text")
bindingContext:AddBinding(values, "filePath", "page root name", commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.MCML_node, "filePath")
-- call following to pull/push data
Member Functions
create a new binding context
function BindingContext:new(o)
Call this function to add a new binding to the binding context.
- param dataSource :
- param dataMember :
- param binding : commonlib.Binding object, specifying which control to bind to. When constructing a Binding instance, you must specify three items: (1) The name of the control property to bind to. (2) The data source. (3) The navigation path that resolves to a list or property in the data source. A period-delimited navigation path is required when the data source is set to an object that contains multiple DataTable objects
function BindingContext:AddBindingObject(dataSource, dataMember, binding)
binding | commonlib.Binding object, specifying which control to bind to.
When constructing a Binding instance, you must specify three items:
(1) The name of the control property to bind to.
(2) The data source.
(3) The navigation path that resolves to a list or property in the data source. A period-delimited navigation path is required when the data source is set to an object that contains multiple
DataTable objects |
sample binding function (data source) for binding with attribute object field of any
function BindingContext.ParaSceneBindingFunc(dataMember, bIsWriting, value)
dataMember |
bIsWriting |
value |
[[ same as
AddBindingObject except that multiple calls with the same input will not update the old binding.
- param dataSource : it can be a table (1) or a binding function (2): (1) npl table to which this binding manager is associated. (2) a function (dataMember, bIsWriting, value) end, where
- param dataMember : the self.dataMember is passed to the function.
- param bIsWriting : if true, the function should write the value parameter to the data source. otherwise, it should read and return the value of the data member in the datasource.
- param value : when bIsWriting is true, it denotes the value to be written to the data source. otherwise, it means the default value returned.
- return __ : if bIsWriting is nil, it returns the value of the datamember in the datasource.
- see __ : ParaSceneBindingFunc() for an example.
- param dataMember : string value. it can be something like "level2.level3" to bind to a deep member.
- param ControlName : string: the control name. It may contain # to concartinate parent name with child name.
- param ControlType : type of commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.
- param ControlPropertyName : if nil, it will bind to the control, and let the control decide how to display data. If it is a IDE control, the binding object will be assigned to the IDE control's databinding field. databinding field in IDE controls, such as TreeNode, will allow the control to dynamically read and write data from data source.
- param DataSourceUpdateMode : type of commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.
- param NullValue : default value.
- return __ : the Binding object created is returned.
function BindingContext:AddBinding(dataSource, dataMember, ControlName, ControlType, ControlPropertyName, DataSourceUpdateMode, NullValue)
dataSource | it can be a table (1) or a binding function (2):
(1) npl table to which this binding manager is associated.
(2) a function (dataMember, bIsWriting, value) end, where |
dataMember |
string value. it can be something like "level2.level3" to bind to a deep member. |
ControlName |
ControlType |
type of commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes. |
ControlPropertyName |
DataSourceUpdateMode |
type of commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes. |
NullValue |
return | the Binding object created is returned.
]] |
return | the Binding object created is returned.
]] |
Pulls data from the data-bound control into the data source, returning no information.
function BindingContext:UpdateDataToControls()
Pushes data from the data source into the data-bound control, returning no information
function BindingContext:UpdateControlsToData()
Gets a value indicating whether the
BindingContext contains the
BindingManager associated with the specified data source (and data member).
- param dataSource : the data source object to search for. Currently only lua table is supported.
- may support db, xml, file in future
- param dataMember : [optional] if nil, it will only search for existance of dataSource. If it is a string, both the dataSource and dataMember is searched. A data member is string name of a sub field or table in the dataSource.
- return __ : true if the BindingManager is found
function BindingContext:Contains(dataSource, dataMember)
dataSource | the data source object to search for. Currently only lua table is supported.
- may support db, xml, file in future |
Gets a
BindingManager that is associated with the specified data source and data member.
- param dataSource : the data source object to search for. Currently only lua table is supported.
- may support db, xml, file in future
- param dataMember : [optional] if nil, it will only search for existance of dataSource. If it is a string, both the dataSource and dataMember is searched. A data member is string name of a sub field or table in the dataSource.
- return __ : BindingManager is returned otherwise nil.
function BindingContext:GetItem (dataSource, dataMember)
dataSource | the data source object to search for. Currently only lua table is supported.
- may support db, xml, file in future |
Adds the
BindingManager associated with a specific data source to the collection.
it will always create add new one, so it is better to check using Contains() before adding
function BindingContext:Add(BindingManager)
Clears the collection of any
BindingManager objects
function BindingContext:Clear()
Delete any
BindingManager(s) associated with the specified data source.
function BindingContext:Remove(dataSource)
BindingManager: Manages all Binding objects that are bound to the same data source and data member.
local BindingManager = {
--[[ it can be a table (1) or a function (2):
(1) npl table to which this binding manager is associated.
(2) a function (dataMember, bIsWriting, value) end, where
* _param_ __dataMember__ : the self.dataMember is passed to the function.
* _param_ __bIsWriting__ : if true, the function should write the value parameter to the data source. otherwise, it should read and return the value of the data member in the datasource.
* _param_ __value__ : only used when bIsWriting is true, which denotes the value to be written to the data source.
* _return_ ____ : if bIsWriting is nil, it returns the value of the datamember in the datasource.
dataSource = nil,
-- a member name (string) in the dataSource to which all binding objects of this manager is associated.
-- it can also be a function (dataSource, bIsWriting, value) end
dataMember = nil,
-- if the data member in the dataSource is an array, this is the current position (1-based index) in the array.
-- this parameter has no effect if the dataMember is a property field, rather than an array.
Position = 1,
-- the collection of all Binding objects
Bindings = {},
commonlib.BindingManager =
create a new
function BindingManager:new(o)
get the current object at current position. The dataMember itself is returned if it is not an array table.
function BindingManager:GetCurrentValue()
set the current object at current position. The dataMember itself is returned if it is not an array table.
function BindingManager:SetCurrentValue(value)
Adds a binding to the bindings collection.
it will always create add new one, so it is better to check using Contains() before adding
function BindingManager:Add(binding)
whether the manager contains a given binding
function BindingManager:Contains(ControlName, ControlType, ControlPropertyName)
ControlName |
ControlType |
ControlPropertyName |
return a binding
function BindingManager:GetBinding(ControlName, ControlType, ControlPropertyName)
ControlName |
ControlType |
ControlPropertyName |
Pulls data from the data-bound control into the data source, returning no information.
function BindingManager:PullData()
Pushes data from the data source into the data-bound control, returning no information
function BindingManager:PushData()
-- for array type dataMember
function BindingManager:AddNew()
Binding: Represents the simple binding between the property value of an NPL table(or the property of the current object in an array) and the property value of an IDE control or ParaUIObject.
e.g. you can bind the text property of an EditBox control to the FirstName property of a Customer table.
local Binding = {
-- string: Set/Get the IDE control name (it may also be the control itself) or ParaUIObject name(it may be childname#childname) that the binding belongs to.
ControlName = nil,
-- type of control in commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes
ControlType = nil,
-- string: Gets or sets the name of the control's data-bound property.
ControlPropertyName = nil,
-- how data source is updated. type of commonlib.Binding.DataSourceUpdateMode. It defaults to Manual update.
UpdateMode = nil,
-- values provided to the control if the dataMember is nil.
NullValue = nil,
-- the parent BindingManager object
BindingManager = nil,
commonlib.Binding = Binding;
supported control types
commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes = {
ParaUI_editbox = 1, -- bindable fields:"text"
ParaUI_text = 2,-- bindable fields:"text"
ParaUI_button = 3,-- bindable fields:"text"
ParaUI_container = 4,-- bindable fields:"text"
ParaUI_listbox = 5,-- bindable fields:"text"
IDE_checkbox = 6,-- bindable fields:"text", "value"
IDE_radiobox = 7,-- bindable fields:"text", "value", "SelectedIndex"
IDE_dropdownlistbox = 8,-- bindable fields:"text", TODO: "SelectedIndex"
-- bindable fields(TreeNode or treenode property): "RootNode#SubNode", "RootNode#SubNode<propertyName>", TODO: "value", "SelectedNodePath"
-- Note: Please note that the root node name must begins with "Root"
-- bind a table(dataMember needs to be a table) to a treenode like this "RootNode#SubNode", it uses partial copy when updating. i.e. it only updates fields inside the data member with the treenode.
-- bind a property dataMember to a treenode propery like this "RootNode#SubNode<propertyName>"
-- Note: the treeview is not immediately updated when update controls on binding context, one needs to manually call update.
IDE_treeview = 9,
IDE_sliderbar = 10, -- bindable fields:"value"
IDE_canvas3d = 11,-- bindable fields: "model", "image"
IDE_coloreditor = 12,-- bindable fields: "text" as rgb "255 255 255"
IDE_editbox = 13,-- bindable fields: "text" multiline editbox
IDE_numeric = 14,-- bindable fields: "value" numeric updown control
MCML_node = 20,-- bindable fields: SetUIValue and GetUIValue
Specifies when a data source is updated when changes occur in the bound control.
commonlib.Binding.DataSourceUpdateMode = {
-- [default]: Data source is manually updated by calling the push/pull data or update functions on binding or binding context level.
Manual = nil,
-- Data source is never updated and values entered into the control are not parsed, validated or re-formatted.
ReadOnly = 1,
-- Data source is updated whenever the value of the control property changes.
OnPropertyChanged = 2,
-- Data source is updated when the control property is validated, After validation, the value in the control property will also be re-formatted.
OnValidation = 3,
create a new
function Binding:new(o)
convert to string. mostly for logging debugging info.
function Binding:ToString()
get the current value
function Binding:GetValue()
Sets the control property to the value read from the data source.
function Binding:ReadValue()
Reads the current value from the control property and writes it to the data source.
function Binding:WriteValue()