Paracraft SDK Walk Through
Fast walk through video for users and partners.

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Free and open source SDK behind
What can you do with it?
- kids learn programming with most popular IDE(Visual studio)
- create plugins (mods) for Paracraft
- create and publish apps that runs on windows/android/iOS
About Us
Project begins in 2005. Code is solid and installed on millions of end user computers during the past 6 years.
How to Install
Contact the author (
LiXizhi) to get full source code, or download public version at
- ParaEngine: C++ 3D game engine: cross platform, separate DirectX/openGL graphics engine, GUI, networking, physics, audio and many more.
- NPL scripting language: 1 million lines of fully documented code in NPL.
- MCML: user interface markup language written in NPL.
- IDE extension for visual studio: NPL code editing, debugging, etc.
- Paracraft app, Haqi 3DMMORPG app and many other sample or editor projects written by ParacraftSDK. Open sourced for your reference.
- Other tools: such as 3dsmax model exporters, etc.
- PEDN: ParaEngine Developer Network. The Twiki site for documentation.
- Play Paracraft in depth for 20 hours.
- Create a movie with Paracraft
- Learn C++/lua
- Watch and follow all tutorial videos on
- Loop until you learnt it
Quick guide to NPL
- where and how to browse source code in ParacraftSDK
- three important facts of lua: (Fast to learn, slow to master)
- static(lexical) scoped: variables can be bound at compile time without regards to calling code.
- invariant string
- with JIT
- the activate function of NPL file.
- Object oriented programming in NPL.
- Tools: NPL language service, NPL debugger for visual studio, buildin debug app (F12)
- rich library covering networking, UI, 3D rendering.
Quick guide to MCML
Similar to web programming:
NPL = Javascript
- HelloWorld MCML
- Quick refresh and debug cycle with buildin web browser (Ctrl + F3)
- Code behind pattern
- Programmatically load MCML page
- Source code location to find documentation about MCML
- Creating your own MCML tag.
- Quick overview of advanced mcml tags: pe:gridview, pe:if, pe:script, etc.
Quick guide to 3dsmax exporter
- ParaX exporter
- FBX exporter
Quick guide to plugins development
- supporting plugins written in mixed NPL / Mono C# / C++.
- architecture of ParaEngine plugins
- PETools for visual studio
- Paracraft Mod development sample
- how to add/replace main UI (more mod integration points of the user interface should be added)
- how to add command
- how to add entity, items, blocks
- how to add shader
Quick guide to environment setup
Recommended tools for programming environment setup.
- git: decentralized. GUI tool is SourceTree.
- svn: good for corporate centralized network.
- alienbrain / perforce: centralized and good for large assets. we have 500GB of versioned assets in the past 8 years.
- cmake: good for c/c++ project
- script: win32 batch file, bash (linux or CYGWin), python, etc.
- hudson CI: deployment / build / test
Introduction to NPL code wiki
- How to start NPL code wiki? From menu or command.
- Server is your paracraft client, readonly world can not host for security reasons.
- What is NPL code wiki? A website of code samples for learning NPL.
- Quick walkthrough: console, object_browser, world
- A hello world page from your world directory.
Topic revision: r9 - 2015-07-06
- LiXizhi