description: 缁欏叾浠栧簲鐢ㄧ▼搴忔彁渚涘绉嶆牱寮忕殑鍙畾鍒剁殑棣栭〉銆傚紑鍙戣€呭彧闇€鍐欎竴琛屼唬鐮佸氨鍙互璁╄嚜宸辩殑APP棣栭〉鍏锋湁涓嬮潰鍔熻兘: (1) 澶у巺鏈嶅姟锛氱敤鎴峰彲浠ラ€氳繃棣栭〉鍒涘缓鎴栧姞鍏ュ叾浠栦汉鎴栧紑鍙戣€呯殑3D鍦ㄧ嚎涓栫晫 (2) 鍟嗗煄锛氱敤鎴峰彲浠ヤ拱鍒版搴旂敤绋嬪簭鐨勭墿鍝?(3) BBS璁哄潧锛氬彂甯冩敹闆嗙敤鎴锋剰瑙侊紝寮€鍙戣€呮秷鎭瓑 (4) 缇庢湳璧勬簮绠$悊锛氬埗瀹氬摢浜涚浉鍐屽浘鐗囷紝3D妯″瀷鍙互鏄剧ず鍦ㄥ垱寤哄伐鍏锋爮涓紝鍦?D涓栫晫涓娇鐢ㄣ€
Homepage app for Paraworld
Title |
Homepage app for Paraworld |
Author(s) |
LiXizhi |
Date |
2008/1/31 |
File |
script/kids/3DMapSystemApp/Homepage/app_main.lua |
It provides other application with several cutomizable homepages. It saves application developers from creating a full fledged homepage.
With one line of code, an application developer can built an application homepage with the following functionalities:
- Lobby or Room host services for people to create/join user or developer hosted 3D worlds
- market place services for users of the application to buy stuffs offered by the application from the inventory application.
- A BBS discussion board (another app) to post and get user feedback and reviews.
- An asset board (another app) to customize which of the application assets will show up in the mainbar's creation folder. Asset includes, 3D models, textures, user photos, etc. It is like photo, 3D model, 3D character albums associated with the app.
db registration insert script
INSERT INTO apps VALUES (NULL, 'Homepage_GUID', 'Homepage', '1.0.0', 'http://www.paraengine.com/apps/Homepage_v1.zip', 'YourCompany', 'enUS', 'script/kids/3DMapSystemApp/Homepage/IP.xml', '', 'script/kids/3DMapSystemApp/Homepage/app_main.lua', 'Map3DSystem.App.Homepage.MSGProc', 1);
Sample Code
Member Functions
create class
commonlib.setfield("Map3DSystem.App.Homepage", {});
event handlers
OnConnection method is the obvious point to place your UI (menus, mainbars, tool buttons) through which the user will communicate to the app.
This method is also the place to put your validation code if you are licensing the add-in. You would normally do this before putting up the UI.
If the user is not a valid user, you would not want to put the UI into the IDE.
- param app : the object representing the current application in the IDE.
- param connectMode : type of ConnectMode.
function Map3DSystem.App.Homepage.OnConnection(app, connectMode)
app |
the object representing the current application in the IDE. |
connectMode |
Receives notification that the Add-in is being unloaded.
function Map3DSystem.App.Homepage.OnDisconnection(app, disconnectMode)
This is called when the command's availability is updated
When the user clicks a command (menu or mainbar button), the
QueryStatus event is fired.
QueryStatus event returns the current status of the specified named command, whether it is enabled, disabled,
or hidden in the
CommandStatus parameter, which is passed to the msg by reference (or returned in the event handler).
- param commandName : The name of the command to determine state for. Usually in the string format "Category.SubCate.Name".
- param statusWanted : what status of the command is queried. it is of type CommandStatusWanted
- return __ : returns according to statusWanted. it may return an integer by adding values in CommandStatus.
function Map3DSystem.App.Homepage.OnQueryStatus(app, commandName, statusWanted)
app |
commandName |
The name of the command to determine state for. Usually in the string format "Category.SubCate.Name". |
statusWanted |
return |
returns according to statusWanted. it may return an integer by adding values in CommandStatus. |
This is called when the command is invoked.The Exec is fired after the
QueryStatus event is fired, assuming that the return to the statusOption parameter of
QueryStatus is supported and enabled.
This is the event where you place the actual code for handling the response to the user click on the command.
- param commandName : The name of the command to determine state for. Usually in the string format "Category.SubCate.Name".
function Map3DSystem.App.Homepage.OnExec(app, commandName, params)
app |
commandName |
The name of the command to determine state for. Usually in the string format "Category.SubCate.Name". |
params |
Change and render the 3D world with mcml data that is usually retrieved from the current user's profile page for this application.
function Map3DSystem.App.Homepage.OnRenderBox(mcmlData)
called when the user wants to nagivate to the 3D world location relavent to this application
function Map3DSystem.App.Homepage.Navigate()
called when user clicks to check out the homepage of this application. Homepage usually includes:
developer info, support, developer worlds information, app global news, app updates, all community user rating, active users, trade, currency transfer, etc.
function Map3DSystem.App.Homepage.GotoHomepage()
called when user clicks the quick action for this application.
function Map3DSystem.App.Homepage.DoQuickAction()
client world database function helpers.
all related messages
APPS can be invoked in many ways:
Through app Manager
mainbar or menu command or buttons
Command Line
3D World installed apps
function Map3DSystem.App.Homepage.MSGProc(window, msg)