
Default message box and dialog box

Title Default message box and dialog box
Author(s) LiXizhi
Date 2005/10, revised 2008.5.8
File script/ide/MessageBox.lua


Member Functions


 message box (top level)

 the dialog background to used. if nil, it will be the default container background. 
_guihelper.MessageBox_BG = nil;
 how a message box is poped up. if nil, it is just displayed as a top level window. 
 If 1, it will gradually grey out the background and pops up with an animation. 
 If 2, it will grey out the background and pops up WITHOUT animations. 
_guihelper.MessageBox_PopupStyle = 1;

 Specifies constants defining which buttons to display on a MessageBox. 
_guihelper.MessageBoxButtons = {
   --The message box contains Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons.  
   AbortRetryIgnore = 1, 
   --  The message box contains an OK button.  
   OK = 2, 
   -- The message box contains OK and Cancel buttons.  
   OKCancel = 3,
   -- The message box contains Retry and Cancel buttons.  
   RetryCancel = 4, 
   -- The message box contains Yes and No buttons.  
   YesNo = 5, 
   -- The message box contains Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.  
   YesNoCancel = 6,
   -- The message box contains no buttons at all. This is useful when displaying system generated message sequence
   -- Used in Aquarius login procedure
   Nothing = 7,

 Specifies identifiers to indicate the return value of a dialog box. 
_guihelper.DialogResult = {
   -- The dialog box return value is Abort (usually sent from a button labeled Abort).  
   Abort = 1,
   -- The dialog box return value is Cancel (usually sent from a button labeled Cancel).  
   Cancel = 2,
   -- The dialog box return value is Ignore (usually sent from a button labeled Ignore).  
   Ignore = 3, 
   -- The dialog box return value is No (usually sent from a button labeled No).  
   No = 4,

   -- Nothing is returned from the dialog box. This means that the modal dialog continues running.  
   None = 5,
   -- The dialog box return value is OK (usually sent from a button labeled OK).  
   OK = 6,
   -- The dialog box return value is Retry (usually sent from a button labeled Retry).  
   Retry = 7,
   -- The dialog box return value is Yes (usually sent from a button labeled Yes).  
   Yes = 8,

 Specifies constants defining which information to display. 
_guihelper.MessageBoxIcon = {
   -- The message box contains a symbol consisting of a lowercase letter i in a circle.  
   Asterisk = 1,
   -- The message box contains a symbol consisting of white X in a circle with a red background.  
   Error = 2,
   -- The message box contains a symbol consisting of an exclamation point in a triangle with a yellow background.  
   Exclamation = 3,
   -- The message box contains a symbol consisting of a white X in a circle with a red background.  
   Hand = 4,
   -- The message box contains a symbol consisting of a lowercase letter i in a circle.  
   Information = 5,
   -- The message box contain no symbols.  
   None = 6,
   -- The message box contains a symbol consisting of a question mark in a circle.  
   Question = 7,
   -- The message box contains a symbol consisting of white X in a circle with a red background.  
   Stop = 8,
   -- The message box contains a symbol consisting of an exclamation point in a triangle with a yellow background.  
   Warning = 9,

[[display a simple message box. Contents in previous displayed box will be appended to the new one

  • param content : string: the text to be displayed
  • param MsgBoxClick :_CallBack: [optional] string or function or nil; the script or function to be executed when user clicked OK or Yes. if it is a function, the first input will be _guihelper.DialogResult
  • param buttons : [optional] type of _guihelper.MessageBoxButtons
  • param icon : [optional] type of _guihelper.MessageBoxIcon


function _guihelper.MessageBox(content,MsgBoxClick_CallBack, buttons, icon)


content string: the text to be displayed
buttons [optional] type of _guihelper.MessageBoxButtons


close the messagebox slightly.


function _guihelper.CloseMessageBox()


message box call back.


function _guihelper.OnMessageBoxClick(dialogResult)




dialog box (top level)

[[ display a top level dialog. Use windows.dialog for advanced dialog. this function is only for displaying a very simple (usually databinding) dialog control.

  • param title : string of title text or nil.
  • param x :,y,width, height: position and size of the client area of the dialog. if x,y is nil, it is displayed at the center of the screen.
  • param ShowUI :_func: function (_parent) end. this function is called to create UIs in the dialog but excluding the OK|cancel buttons. UI created in it will be automatically destroyed when dialog closes.
  • param OnClick :_CallBack: [optional] function (dialogResult) end or the function name string. The first input will be _guihelper.DialogResult.This function will be called when the dialog returns but before UI is destoryed. If function returns true, the dialog will be closed; otherwise dialog is not closed.
  • param buttons :; [optional] type of _guihelper.MessageBoxButtons
e.g. function SomeFunctionToCreateUIToGetherData() local package = CreatePackage({text="鏈懡鍚嶈祫婧愬寘"}); local bindingContext = commonlib.BindingContext:new(); bindingContext:AddBinding(package, "text", "AssetManager.NewAsset#packageName", commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.ParaUI_editbox, "text") bindingContext:AddBinding(package, "icon", "AssetManager.NewAsset#textBoxIconPath", commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.ParaUI_editbox, "text") bindingContext:AddBinding(package, "Category", "AssetManager.comboBoxCategory", commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.IDE_dropdownlistbox, "text") bindingContext:AddBinding(package, "bDisplayInMainBar", "AssetManager.checkBoxShowInMainbar", commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.IDE_checkbox, "value")

_guihelper.ShowDialogBox("Add a new package", nil, nil, 263, 114, function(_parent) _this = CreateUIObject("container", "AssetManager.NewAsset", "_fi", 0,0,0,0) _this.background = ""; _parent:AddChild(_this); _parent = _this;

_this = CreateUIObject("editbox", "packageName", "_mt", 85, 3, 3, 23) _parent:AddChild(_this);

_this = CreateUIObject("editbox", "textBoxIconPath", "_mt", 85, 58, 3, 23) _parent:AddChild(_this);

NPL.load("(gl)script/ide/dropdownlistbox.lua"); local ctl = CommonCtrl.dropdownlistbox:new{ name = "AssetManager.comboBoxCategory", alignment = "_mt", left = 85, top = 32, width = 3, height = 22, dropdownheight = 106, parent = _parent, text = "", items = {"Creations.BCS.doors", "Creations.BCS.windows", "Creations.Normals.Trees", }, }; ctl:Show();

NPL.load("(gl)script/ide/CheckBox.lua"); local ctl = CommonCtrl.checkbox:new{ name = "AssetManager.checkBoxShowInMainbar", alignment = "_lt", left = 3, top = 91, width = 166, height = 18, parent = _parent, isChecked = false, text = "娣诲姞鍒版垜鐨勫垱浣滃伐鍏锋爮", }; ctl:Show();

bindingContext:UpdateDataToControls(); end, function(dialogResult) if(dialogResult == _guihelper.DialogResult.OK) then bindingContext:UpdateControlsToData(); -- add to package list and update UI controls. AddPackage(package); end return true; end) end ]]


function _guihelper.ShowDialogBox(title, x,y,width, height, ShowUI_func,OnClick_CallBack, buttons)


title string of title text or nil.
ShowUI _func: function (_parent) end. this function is called to create UIs in the dialog but excluding the OK cancel buttons. UI created in it will be automatically destroyed when dialog closes.
| buttons | ; [optional] type of _guihelper.MessageBoxButtons e.g. function SomeFunctionToCreateUIToGetherData() local package = CreatePackage({text="鏈懡鍚嶈祫婧愬寘"}); local bindingContext = commonlib.BindingContext:new(); bindingContext:AddBinding(package, "text", "AssetManager.NewAsset#packageName", commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.ParaUI_editbox, "text") bindingContext:AddBinding(package, "icon", "AssetManager.NewAsset#textBoxIconPath", commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.ParaUI_editbox, "text") bindingContext:AddBinding(package, "Category", "AssetManager.comboBoxCategory", commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.IDE_dropdownlistbox, "text") bindingContext:AddBinding(package, "bDisplayInMainBar", "AssetManager.checkBoxShowInMainbar", commonlib.Binding.ControlTypes.IDE_checkbox, "value")

_guihelper.ShowDialogBox("Add a new package", nil, nil, 263, 114, function(_parent) _this = CreateUIObject("container", "AssetManager.NewAsset", "_fi", 0,0,0,0) _this.background = ""; _parent:AddChild(_this); _parent = _this;

_this = CreateUIObject("editbox", "packageName", "_mt", 85, 3, 3, 23) _parent:AddChild(_this);

_this = CreateUIObject("editbox", "textBoxIconPath", "_mt", 85, 58, 3, 23) _parent:AddChild(_this);

NPL.load("(gl)script/ide/dropdownlistbox.lua"); local ctl = CommonCtrl.dropdownlistbox:new{ name = "AssetManager.comboBoxCategory", alignment = "_mt", left = 85, top = 32, width = 3, height = 22, dropdownheight = 106, parent = _parent, text = "", items = {"Creations.BCS.doors", "Creations.BCS.windows", "Creations.Normals.Trees", }, }; ctl:Show();

NPL.load("(gl)script/ide/CheckBox.lua"); local ctl = CommonCtrl.checkbox:new{ name = "AssetManager.checkBoxShowInMainbar", alignment = "_lt", left = 3, top = 91, width = 166, height = 18, parent = _parent, isChecked = false, text = "娣诲姞鍒版垜鐨勫垱浣滃伐鍏锋爮", }; ctl:Show();

bindingContext:UpdateDataToControls(); end, function(dialogResult) if(dialogResult == _guihelper.DialogResult.OK) then bindingContext:UpdateControlsToData(); -- add to package list and update UI controls. AddPackage(package); end return true; end) end ]] |


dialog box call back.


function _guihelper.OnDialogBoxClick(dialogResult)


Topic revision: r1 - 2008-02-29 - LiXizhi
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