GUI helper functions for ParaEngine
Member Functions
Set all texture layers of an UI object to the specifed color
if UIobject is nil or is an invalid UI object, this function does nothing.
e.g. _guihelper.SetUIColor(uiobject, "255 0 0"); or _guihelper.SetUIColor(uiobject, "255 0 0 128");
function _guihelper.SetUIColor(uiobject, color)
set the text font color of a UI control.
- param color : it can be "255 255 255", "#FFFFFF", "255 255 255 100", alpha is supported.
function _guihelper.SetFontColor(uiobject, color)
uiobject |
color |
it can be "255 255 255", "#FFFFFF", "255 255 255 100", alpha is supported. |
set the text font color of a UI control.
- param color : it can be "255 255 255", "#FFFFFF", "255 255 255 100", alpha is supported.
function _guihelper.SetButtonTextColor(uiobject, color)
uiobject |
color |
it can be "255 255 255", "#FFFFFF", "255 255 255 100", alpha is supported. |
get the width of text of a given font. It internally cache the font object and UI object on first call.
- param text : text for which to determine the width
- param fontName : font name, such as "System;12". If nil, it will use the default font of text control.
- return the : width of text of a given font
function _guihelper.GetTextWidth(text, fontName)
text |
text for which to determine the width |
fontName |
return |
width of text of a given font |
- param uiobject : uiobject such as button
- param format : 0 for left alignment; 1 for horizontal center alignment; 4 for vertical center aligntment; 5 for both vertical and horizontal; 32 for single-lined left bottom alignment, 36 for single-lined vertical center alignment DT_TOP 0x00000000 DT_LEFT 0x00000000 DT_CENTER 0x00000001 DT_RIGHT 0x00000002 DT_VCENTER 0x00000004 DT_BOTTOM 0x00000008 DT_SINGLELINE 0x00000020 DT_WORDBREAK 0x00000010 DT_NOCLIP 0x00000100
function _guihelper.SetUIFontFormat(uiobject, format)
uiobject |
uiobject such as button |
format |
- param r :, g, b, a: each in [0,255]
function _guihelper.RGBA_TO_DWORD(r, g, b, a)
r |
, g, b, a: each in [0,255] |
g |
b |
a |
- param r :, g, b, a: each in [0,255]
- return r :, g, b, a: each in [0,255]
function _guihelper.DWORD_TO_RGBA(w)
[[ set the text of a ui control by its name.
- param objName :name of the object
- param newText : string of the new text.
function _guihelper.SafeSetText(objName, newText)
objName |
name of the object |
newText |
[[ get the text of a ui control as a number. return nil if invalid.
- param objName :name of the object
- return __ : number or nil
function _guihelper.SafeGetNumber(objName)
objName |
name of the object |
[[ get the text of a ui control as a number. return nil if invalid.
- param objName :name of the object, such as {"name1", "name2"}
- return __ : number or nil
function _guihelper.SafeGetText(objName)
objName |
name of the object, such as {"name1", "name2"} |
- param objList : an array of button names.
- param selectedName : name of the selected button. If nil, nothing will be selected.
- param color : color used for highlighting the checked button.
- param checked :_bg, unchecked_bg: can be nil or the texture of the checked and unchecked state.
function _guihelper.CheckRadioButtons(objList, selectedName, color, checked_bg, unchecked_bg)
objList |
an array of button names. |
selectedName |
color |
color used for highlighting the checked button. |
checked |
bg |
unchecked |
bg |
NOTE: --WangTian: change background for group of buttons
- param objList : an array of button names.
- param selectedName : name of the selected button. If nil, nothing will be selected.
- param color : color used for highlighting the checked button.
- param checked :_bg, unchecked_bg: can be nil or the texture of the checked and unchecked state.
function _guihelper.CheckRadioButtons2(objList, selectedName, color, checked_bg, unchecked_bg)
objList |
an array of button names. |
selectedName |
color |
color used for highlighting the checked button. |
checked |
bg |
unchecked |
bg |
- param objList : an array <index, button names>, such as {[1] = "name1", [2] ="name2",}
- param nSelectedIndex : index of the selected button. If nil, nothing will be selected.
- param color : color used for highlighting the checked button.
- param checked :_bg, unchecked_bg: can be nil or the texture of the checked and unchecked state.
function _guihelper.CheckRadioButtonsByIndex(objList, nSelectedIndex, color, checked_bg, unchecked_bg)
objList |
an array <index, button names>, such as {[1] = "name1", [2] ="name2",} |
nSelectedIndex |
color |
color used for highlighting the checked button. |
checked |
bg |
unchecked |
bg |
for all objects in objList, only the selectedName is made visible.
- param objList : an array of button names, such as {"name1", "name2"}
- param selectedName : name of the selected button. If nil, nothing will be selected.
function _guihelper.SwitchVizGroup(objList, selectedName)
objList |
an array of button names, such as {"name1", "name2"} |
selectedName |
for all objects in objList, only the selectedName is made visible.
- param objList : an array <index, button names>, such as {[1] = "name1", [2] ="name2",}
- param nSelectedIndex : index of the selected button. If nil, nothing will be selected.
function _guihelper.SwitchVizGroupByIndex(objList, nSelectedIndex)
objList |
an array <index, button names>, such as {[1] = "name1", [2] ="name2",} |
nSelectedIndex |
[[this is a message handler for placeholder buttons,etc. it will display the name of control, the texture file path, etc in the messagebox
- param ctrlName : control name
- param comments : if not nil, it is additional text that will be displayed.
function _guihelper.OnClick(ctrlName, comments)
ctrlName |
control name |
comments |
print out the table structure
- param t : table to print
- param filename : the file name to print out the table
function _guihelper.PrintTableStructure(t, filename)
t |
table to print |
filename |
print out the ui object structure
- param obj : ui object to print
- param filename : the file name to print out the ui object
function _guihelper.PrintUIObjectStructure(obj, filename)
obj |
ui object to print |
filename |
set the container enabled, this will iterately set the enabled attribute in the UI object child container
- param bEnabled : true or false
function _guihelper.SetContainerEnabled(obj, bEnabled)
obj |
bEnabled |
true or false |
Given H,S,L in range of 0-1
Returns a Color (RGB struct) in range of 0-255
function _guihelper.HSL2RGB(h, s, l)
Given a Color (RGB Struct) in range of 0-255
Return H,S,L in range of 0-1
function _guihelper.RGB2HSL(r, g, b)
Given H,S,L in range of 0-1
Returns a Color (RGB struct) in range of 0-255
function _guihelper.HSL2RGB2(H, S, L)