ParaEngine Company Page

About us

ParaEngine Corporation (P.E.) focuses on the research and development of a distributed computer game engine called ParaEngine. Based on our proprietary game engine technologies, we are building various applications ourselves and we are also working with licensed clients who use ParaEngine in their own projects. We believe that game technology is the driving force to a new 3D Internet or web 3D. We would like you to join us or cooperate with us to build innovative games or other 3D applications. See our product page. See also ParaEngine at wikipedia


  • Kids Movie Creator (see An entertainment software for young children aged 7 to 12. Children can use their imagination to create interactive three-dimensional virtual worlds. They can control every detail of their worlds, from sky to the sea and everything in between. They can then add a story line and give life to their virtual characters.
  • ParaWorld (in development): ParaWorld is an earth-scale content-creation web 3D community designed for everyone. In ParaWorld, each user has its own avatar, virtual land, and can build up their dream world easily. People can play and communicate with each other and show off their ideas and creations. All world editing and movie making experiences of previous KidsMovieCreator products will be brought to the Internet.

Looking for

  • Publishers for the English version of our products.
  • Partnerships with companies that can use any of our products in creative ways.
  • Investment. See our current Investor Relations.

Highlights in History

  • 2007.10.12-2007.10.17 ParaEngine Tech Studio attended the China High Tech Fair 2007. We distributed 2000 CDs of Kids Movie Creator products during the show. Hundreds of kids and parents tried and appreciated Kids Movie Creator on the show.
  • 2007.10.12 ParaEngine Tech Studio launched its company website in Chinese.
  • 2007.7 The English and Chinese community website for Kids Movie Creator is open. see and
  • 2007.6 The network edition of Kids Movie Creator is finished.
  • 2006.12.25 Kids Movie Creator game by ParaEngine is released on
  • 2006.10.12-2006.10.17 ParaEngine Tech Studio attended the China High Tech Fair 2006. View Photos Here.
  • 2006.10.11 New brochures of ParaEngine released. Kids Movie product brochures, ParaEngine brochures, VR application brochures.
  • 2006.9.19 A game footage of the Kids serie product is made. See here.
  • 2006.9.10 The book "Design and Implementation of Distributed Game Engine Vol 1" (350 pages) is finished and waiting for publication.
  • 2006.8.19 and 2006.8.31, the Kids series product by ParaEngine Studio has gone through two alpha tests. We have invited several 8-10 years old kids to create 3D scenes and stories in the game. See the event here. Game scenes made by the children are also available for download here.
  • 2006.8.1 A demo using ParaEngine in VR applications are created. See photos and movies here.
  • 2006.7.10 ParaEngine Tech Studio forms a professional team for the Kids Movie project, which is a serie of 3D content creation and movie making games for children aged 7-12.
  • 2006.3 ParaEngine is licensed to HangShang for creating educational games.
  • Tech Movies, 2005/11/31: Several tech movies of the ParaEngine. Click here.
  • ParaEngine Tech Demo V0.9, 2005/10/31: ParaEngine's latest technology demo executable. The demo includes a simple test scene, two customizable characters, one complex demo scene with ocean and indoor buildings, an in-game toolkits to put physical objects to the virtual world dynamically, the in-game movie factory plug-in v1.0 which allows users to simultaneously compose and edit as both actors and directors in a single scene, the in-game GUI editor v0.1, and countless other controllable elements.
  • Tech Brochure, 2005/08/01: Take a look at our Game Engine Technology Brochure. Click here.

Support Us

  • Financial support: as a result, you may become the co-owner of the company.
  • Expert opinions: we are a young team and we establish close relationships with experienced people. Sometimes, your opinions could simply be the best help to us. And we would like to have you as honored members in our consultant or administrative team.
  • Skills: If you have the skills and the passion, join us in the development team and play an important role in it.
  • Promotion: If you can help us promote the technology and product to other people, please contact us.
  • Cooperation: If you want to use our technology or product in a different way, please describe your project to us, we will actively consider cooperation.

Current projects

ParaEngine: we are working on the client and server side of the distributed computer game engine.
Real-time 3D applications: we are using ParaEngine to develop several of its applications.

Company Profile

ParaEngine Corporation (PE for short) focuses on the research and applications of the next generation game and Internet technologies. Our major tech product is ParaEngine: a distributed 3D computer game engine. It features an easy-to-use game development process and a new network programming language called NPL. The game engine is meant to be free for personal uses. Our major income is through the development and commercialization of real-time 3D applications (such as online games) based on our engine product. We aim to build next-generation game genre of distinct features.

Contact Info

STIbuliding.jpg Name: LiXizhi (Director & Lead Programmer)
phone: 86-755-86022734-1003
fax: 86-755-86022734-1001
address: Room B603, Shenzhen Tech-Innovation International, Shenzhen,518057, P. R. China


Development Team Administrative Team
LiXizhi: director & lead programmer
TianWang: core programmer


P.E. studio entirely owns the game engine and the game production line. Our existing team can be very supportive and productive to tailor the game engine and/or the game production line to a specific requirement. We also own several innovative product proposals that can not be easily carried out by our current team. Hence, we seek in-depth cooperation with you or your team in the following ways.

  • Team or person with deep game industrial background work with us and become our important stakeholders
  • Institutes or game studios cooperate with us to create online games or applications with unprecedented features
  • Invest in any of our product proposals and become our stakeholders


We are seeking passionate people who could join us in the development of the next generation game technologies and its applications. At our studio, you will work with young and talented people who specialized in diverse fields. If you share our goals, and have the skills, we want to hear from you! We are opening positions for, but not limited to:

  • 2D/3D artists
  • 3D character animators
  • designers
  • next-generation engine programmers.

Artists can also choose to contribute from their home, without quiting their current job or study. We also accept artists who just want to learn and practice art development in modern computer games. The learning period is usually 1 to 2 months.

Technology Licensing

If you wish to build your own 3D engine or using a licensed engine for game development or any real-time 3D application, ParaEngine might be your choice. We license our technology in a variety of favors, such as free to individual users, with minimum charges to companies and research institutes, etc.
ParaEngine is still under active development, and we will formally license the technology after we release its first game application ourselves. However, at the moment, we are willing to license it free of charge to people and institutes who want to build concrete applications using our technology.

Common Questions

Q: Are you a company now?
A: Not yet. But members of the team have started working on the project since early 2004. In July 2005, the ParaEngine Tech Studio is formally established in Shenzhen Tech-Innovation International (STI), Since then, we have become a well organized team of software developers and designers. The studio is funded mostly by the Institute. A company will be registered when we had further investment and summoned the required people. [Updated 2007.10: We are now a registered company called ParaEngine Corporation]
Q: Is ParaEngine completely developed by your studio?
A: Yes, ParaEngine is a 3D computer game engine completely developed by us. We own the intellectual property of the game engine. ParaEngine is initially designed and developed by Li, Xizhi, director and lead programmer of the studio.
Q: Is ParaEngine suitable for game development now?
A: Yes, it is suitable for client side game development now. In fact, we are already using it to develop our first game product. However, we can now offer limited support for server side development; because it is still under development. ParaEngine features a new network programming paradigm through a dedicated scripting language called NPL. NPL is ideal for developing distributed game logics on an arbitrary network. The complete network development environment will be released to the public at the end of 2006.
Q: Where can I get further information about the product and your plan?
A: We do not publish confidential information through the web, please contact us by phone or email for detailed information. You are welcome to visit our workplace.
Q: How can I help you?
A: You can help us in a variety of ways:
A1. Financial support: as a result, you may become the co-owner of the company.
A2. Expert opinions: we are a young team and we establish close relationships with experienced people. Sometimes, your opinions could simply be the best help to us. And we would like to have you as honored members in our consultant or administrative team.
A3. Skills: If you have the skills and the passion, join us in the development team and play an important role in it.
A4. Promotion: If you can help us promote the technology and product to other people, please contact us.
A5. Cooperation: If you want to use our technology or product in a different way, please describe your project to us, we will actively consider cooperation.

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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
JPEGjpg STIbuliding.jpg r1 manage 13.7 K 2008-04-05 - 11:36 LiXizhi Office Building
Topic revision: r10 - 2008-05-20 - LiXizhi
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