NPL built version is 0.9.1
In distributed game engine, it is common to deal with thousands of interactive entities on the local runtime and among its web servers. Our solution is based on scripting technology, which has already been broadly used in modern computer game engine to provide flexible and extensible integration of a single game engine runtime and the rest of the world.
The scripting system consists of a collection of activation files as well as other reference files. An activation file may be activated by other script files, some synchronization timers and the game engines. Logics are usually scripted (written) in activation files and carried out by series of file activations, during which process activated files may emit UI commands to game engines for game state updates.
NPL and
ParaEngine functions and objects are organized inside several modules, such as
ParaUI, etc. Please browse the module list to quickly locate the function you need. All NPLfunctions are implemented in the
ParaScripting namespace. Some examples are provided to explain some commonly used functionalities.
All work is copyrighted by
ParaEngine Corporation.
There is a possibility to release
NPL standard and code to the public domain.
Topic revision: r1 - 2008-03-01
- LiXizhi