Hello Chat (KongFuChat)

A simple chat application for demo

Summary of Contents

KongFuChat.com (code name HelloChat) is 3d chat application created on top of ParaWorld platform. It is a demo of creating MMORPG style games using ParaEngine.

In this app, we will shot you how to develop application with NPL, MCML and ParaWorld API In this sample application, we will show you how to create a brand new application step by step. It will cover chating, character customization, animations and basic social network.

Screenshots & User Guide

  • Login page:

  • Create Room:

  • Registration:

  • Star view:

  • Task bar:

  • Asset Exchange:

  • Movie Asset Manager:

  • Movie Track View:

Detailed Documentation

Running the application

Make sure you have all source and assets files to this application. run application with command line: bootstrapper="script/apps/HelloChat/bootstrapper.xml" external command:
e.g. paraworldviewer://worlds/MyWorlds/KongFuChat;movie=Movie20081153190-40.xml;

Building & Deployment

To build and deploy the application. follow the following steps.

Press F12 and run following command


Compile NSI installer file parawroldviewer_installer_v1.nsi

The installer will be at [sdkroot]/release/parawroldviewer_installer_[VERSION].exe

Code Explanation

Main Loop

main_loop.lua is the entry file. In it, we need to choose a core ParaWorld system to use. See below

NPL.load("(gl)script/kids/ParaWorldCore.lua"); -- ParaWorld platform includes
-- Choose a core system. Code name("Map3DSystem") is the latest ParaWorld platform system implementation.
System = commonlib.inherit(Map3DSystem);

Now the System contains a rich set of classes and functions that one can use to interact with the ParaWorld system.

e.g. System.init() needs to be called when the engine start. e.g. System.LoadWorld() can be called to load a given virtual world.

ParaWorld Application Architecture

In paraworld, we can add/remove applications dynamically. One can use the DeveloperApp's NewPackage dialog to create an empty app. It will generate two files app_main.lua and IP.xml.

One can programmatically install an application to ParaWorld like below

   -- install the HelloChat app, if it is not installed yet.
   local app = System.App.AppManager.GetApp("HelloChat_GUID")
   if(not app) then
      app = System.App.Registration.InstallApp({app_key="HelloChat_GUID"}, "script/apps/HelloChat/IP.xml", true);

One can set a given application as the default application when a given world is loaded, like below

   System.UI.AppDesktop.SetDefaultApp("HelloChat_GUID", true);

if one looks at the automatically genereated app_main.lua, one will notice that there are already several messsage handlers. e.g. System.App.MSGTYPE.APP_ACTIVATE_DESKTOP will be fired whenever an application desktop becomes active. One can usually create desktop related UI in its msg handler like below.

   function MyCompany.HelloChat.OnActivateDesktop()
      -- TODO: create UI of this app.

How to customize startup logo

The logo page is usually the animation shown when the executable starts. To add a custom logo page is really simple.

in your main_loop file. Set the initial state to e.g. "logo". and then call System.UI.Desktop.LogoPage.Show see below.


-- in your loop file, write following.
if(main_state=="logo") then
   System.UI.Desktop.LogoPage.Show(79, {
         {name = "LogoPage_PE_bg", bg="Texture/whitedot.png", alignment = "_fi", left=0, top=0, width=0, height=0, color="255 255 255 255", anim="script/kids/3DMapSystemUI/Desktop/Motion/Bg_motion.xml"},
         {name = "LogoPage_PE_logoTxt", bg="Texture/3DMapSystem/brand/ParaEngineLogoText.png", alignment = "_rb", left=-320-20, top=-20-5, width=320, height=20, color="255 255 255 255", anim="script/kids/3DMapSystemUI/Desktop/Motion/Bg_motion.xml"},
         {name = "LogoPage_PE_logo", bg="Texture/HelloChat/FrontPage_32bits.png;0 111 512 290", alignment = "_ct", left=-512/2, top=-290/2, width=512, height=290, color="255 255 255 0", anim="script/apps/HelloChat/Desktop/Motion/Logo_motion.xml"},

How to customize world-loading UI

World-loading UI is the UI to be shown when a world is being loaded. it usually displays a progress bar To add customize it is really simple.

Just change the LoaderUI.items with your specific ones before calling LoadWorld(), like below.

   System.UI.LoaderUI.items = {
      {name = "HelloChat.UI.LoaderUI.bg", type="container",bg="Texture/whitedot.png", alignment = "_fi", left=0, top=0, width=0, height=0, anim="script/kids/3DMapSystemUI/InGame/LoaderUI_motion.xml"},
      {name = "HelloChat.UI.LoaderUI.logoTxt", type="container",bg="Texture/3DMapSystem/brand/ParaEngineLogoText.png", alignment = "_rb", left=-320-20, top=-20-5, width=320, height=20, anim="script/kids/3DMapSystemUI/InGame/LoaderUI_2_motion.xml"},
      {name = "HelloChat.UI.LoaderUI.logo", type="container",bg="Texture/HelloChat/FrontPage_32bits.png;0 111 512 290", alignment = "_ct", left=-512/2, top=-290/2, width=512, height=290, anim="script/kids/3DMapSystemUI/InGame/LoaderUI_2_motion.xml"},
      {name = "HelloChat.UI.LoaderUI.progressbar_bg", type="container",bg="Texture/3DMapSystem/Loader/progressbar_bg.png:7 7 6 6",alignment = "_ct", left=-100, top=160, width=200, height=22, anim="script/kids/3DMapSystemUI/InGame/LoaderUI_2_motion.xml"},
      {name = "HelloChat.UI.LoaderUI.text", type="text", text="正在加载...", alignment = "_ct", left=-100+10, top=160+28, width=120, height=20, anim="script/kids/3DMapSystemUI/InGame/LoaderUI_2_motion.xml"},
      -- this is a progressbar that increases in length from width to max_width
      {IsProgressBar=true, name = "HelloChat.UI.LoaderUI.progressbar_filled", type="container", bg="Texture/3DMapSystem/Loader/progressbar_filled.png:7 7 13 7", alignment = "_ct", left=-100, top=160, width=20, max_width=200, height=22,anim="script/kids/3DMapSystemUI/InGame/LoaderUI_2_motion.xml"},

How to replace the login module

To change the login machanism to use our own login module, we need to call the following function, where "Profile.HelloChat.Login" is a user supplied command.

In app_main.lua file, we can add and implement the "Profile.HelloChat.Login" command to show a MCML page for the actual login. see below

function MyCompany.HelloChat.OnExec(app, commandName, params)
   if(commandName == "Profile.HelloChat.Login") then
      Map3DSystem.App.Commands.Call("File.MCMLWindowFrame", {
         url="script/apps/HelloChat/Desktop/LoginPage.html", name="HelloLogin.Wnd", 
         text = "Login window",
         isShowTitleBar = true, 
         allowResize = false,
         initialPosX = (1020-320)/2,
         initialPosY = 50,
         initialWidth = 320,
         initialHeight = 290,

How to replace the default load world command

The default load world command is "File.EnterWorld". load world command is used in a number of places, such as pe_world tag, etc. If your application use none of these UI. There is no need to replace the load world command. However, it is good practice to always supply a load world command with the same interface as the core system, and load all your worlds via this command.

File.EnterWorld command interface

Host and/or Join a given homeworld using the lobby server.

Property Descriptions
worldpath the downloaded local world path from which to load the world
role the role of the current user that will join the world. values may be "guest", "administrator", "poweruser", "friend". If this is nil, it will be default to "guest" or "administrator" depending on the server type.
server if this is nil, it will be loaded as an offline world unless autolobby is specified. if it is like "jgsl://username@domain", it will login to the server according to server type. In most cases, it is JGSL.
autolobby if this is true, paraworld.lobby.* api will be used to either host or join an existing world with given worldpath.


   -- load an ordinary offline world
   System.App.Commands.Call("File.EnterWorld", {worldpath = "worlds/Templates/Empty/smallisland"});
   -- load an downloaded online world and join or host using paraworld.lobby API. 
   System.App.Commands.Call("File.EnterWorld", {worldpath = "worlds/Templates/Empty/smallisland", autolobby=true});

To replace above load world module, we will now create a load world command called EnterHelloWorld, or you can simply use the same name as the default. See example below.

   -- when this to switch the command at startup
   -- call this whenever you want to load a world
   System.App.Commands.Call(System.App.Commands.GetLoadWorldCommand(), {worldpath = "worlds/Templates/Empty/smallisland"});

How to replace the default system command line handler

   -- change the handler of system command line. 

How to replace default window style

We can change the look and feel for windows in the game, by replacing the default window frame style at startup. In your startup init code, write some code like below. If one wants to change the style when a window is already shown, please use windowframe's ApplyStyle function.
   CommonCtrl.WindowFrame.DefaultStyle = {
      name = "DefaultStyle",
      window_bg = "Texture/HelloChat/frame_32bits.png; 0 0 32 61 : 14 35 14 8",
      fillBGLeft = 0,
      fillBGTop = 0,
      fillBGWidth = 0,
      fillBGHeight = 0,
      titleBarHeight = 32,
      toolboxBarHeight = 48,
      statusBarHeight = 32,
      borderLeft = 4,
      borderRight = 4,
      borderBottom = 4,
      textcolor = "255 255 255",
      iconSize = 16,
      iconTextDistance = 16, -- distance between icon and text on the title bar
      CloseBox = {alignment = "_rt",
               x = -40, y = 0, size = 31,
               icon = "Texture/HelloChat/frame_32bits.png; 33 0 31 31",},
      MinBox = {alignment = "_rt",
               x = -68, y = 2, size = 20,
               icon = "Texture/3DMapSystem/WindowFrameStyle/1/min.png; 0 0 20 20",},
      MaxBox = {alignment = "_rt",
               x = -46, y = 2, size = 20,
               icon = "Texture/3DMapSystem/WindowFrameStyle/1/max.png; 0 0 20 20",},
      PinBox = {alignment = "_lt", -- TODO: pin box, set the pin box in the window frame style
               x = 2, y = 2, size = 20,
               icon_pinned = "Texture/3DMapSystem/WindowFrameStyle/1/autohide.png; 0 0 20 20",
               icon_unpinned = "Texture/3DMapSystem/WindowFrameStyle/1/autohide2.png; 0 0 20 20",},
      resizerSize = 24,
      resizer_bg = "Texture/3DMapSystem/WindowFrameStyle/1/resizer.png",

Installation Instructions

Note: You do not need to install anything on the client to use this contrib package.

  • Download the ZIP file from the app web (see below)
  • Restart application

Application Info

Author: TWiki:Main/LiXizhi
Copyright �: 2008 ParaEngine Corporation, All Rights Reserved
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Dependencies: none, OfficialApps
Version: 1.0
Change History:  
2008-11-07: Initial version
Home: HelloChatApp
Feedback: HelloChatAppDev
Appraisal: HelloChatAppAppraisal

Related Topics: InsidePE

-- TWiki:Main/LiXizhi - 2008-11-07

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
JPEGjpg AssetPAP.jpg r1 manage 107.5 K 2008-11-08 - 02:32 LiXizhi Asset Exchange
JPEGjpg HelloChatCreateRoom.jpg r1 manage 127.2 K 2008-11-07 - 14:30 LiXizhi Create Room
JPEGjpg HelloChatLogin.jpg r1 manage 110.8 K 2008-11-07 - 14:29 LiXizhi Login page
JPEGjpg HelloChatReg.jpg r1 manage 98.0 K 2008-11-07 - 14:30 LiXizhi Registration
JPEGjpg HelloChatStarview.jpg r1 manage 131.0 K 2008-11-07 - 14:30 LiXizhi Star view
JPEGjpg HelloChatTask.jpg r1 manage 105.0 K 2008-11-07 - 14:30 LiXizhi Task bar
JPEGjpg HelloMovieAssets.jpg r1 manage 83.1 K 2008-11-08 - 02:32 LiXizhi Movie Asset Manager
JPEGjpg HelloMovieTrackView.jpg r1 manage 105.4 K 2008-11-08 - 02:32 LiXizhi Movie Track View
Topic revision: r2 - 2008-11-08 - LiXizhi
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