ParaEngine MVP Program


ParaEngine Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) are exceptional technical community leaders from around the world who are awarded for voluntarily sharing their high quality, real world expertise in offline and online technical communities. ParaEngine MVPs are a highly select group of experts that represents the technical community's best and brightest, and they share a deep commitment to community and a willingness to help others.

MVPs represent a broad spectrum of ParaEngine product users. They occupy many different professions including teachers, artists, engineers and technologists.

MVPs tend to be early adopters of new technology and actively communicate their experiences to other technology users. Through their extensive community activity, MVPs help others solve problems and discover new capabilities, helping people get the maximum value from their technology.

Each year, the technical community's best and brightest are awarded as ParaEngine MVPs. You can learn more about the MVP Award and individual MVPs, by visiting the following Web sites:

MVP privileges

  • Can contribute to PEDN wiki site.
  • Has both read and write operations to the InsidePE.WebHome sub web.
  • Early evaluation of ParaEngine related products.
  • Access to ParaEngineSDK and tools.
  • Talk with developers at ParaEngine.
  • Free visits to ParaEngine headquarter and participate in our outdoor activities.
  • Limited access to the product source code according to work requirements.

How to apply MVP

Right now, Most MVPs at ParaEngine are invited by our software team members. However, one can also contact us here and write MVP as the job title. Finally, we need to assign a one-way NDA with all MVPs.

MVP member list

name description
ClaymanS MVP for game graphics and NPL
HelloBen MVP for networking development
Deric MVP for website and operations
Kenny MVP for large scale server development
Topic revision: r5 - 2008-11-04 - LiXizhi
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